Photo courtesy of Angela Mead

ATTENTION: Tax bills have been mailed for 2024-25. If you would like to view the Commitment Book or historical tax data, please click on the “Property Tax Data” tab. This year’s Mil Rate is 6.02 and taxes are due by January 25, 2025. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate in contacting the Town Office at (207) 371-2820.
Did you know that you can re-register you cars and boats online? Click the links below to find out more! 
You can do Motor Vehicle re-registrations by clicking on this link: Rapid Renewal | Vehicle & Trailer Registration Renewal Service (maine.gov)
You can do Boat re-registrations by clicking on this link: Boat Registration Renewal Online Service (maine.gov)


The Town Office

The Town Office is open to the public, Monday through Thursday from 9am to 5pm. We take lunch from 12-1.  Appointments will no longer be available but if you’re uncomfortable visiting the office in person, we can still offer services by phone and drop box. If you choose to visit the office, please wait your turn in the lobby if there’s already someone at the desk in the office.

The Town Office is located at 50 Bay Point Road. To send mail the Town Office please use the following address: PO Box 436, Georgetown, ME 04548.

For contact information of town officials, visit the Town Officials page.

If you have questions, please call 371-2820 for more information. Alex or Tyler are in the office and ready to help you. Thank you!

Please note:

The Town of Georgetown makes every effort to ensure that the information published on this website is accurate and current.  However, neither the Town of Georgetown, nor any agency, officer, or employee of the Town warrants the accuracy, or timeliness of any information published on this website, nor endorses any products or services linked from this system, and shall not be held liable for any losses caused by the accuracy or timeliness of such information.  Portions of the information may be incorrect or not current.  Any persons or entities that rely on any information obtained from this system do so at their own risk.