For the newest information about the Georgetown Volunteer Fire Department please see their new website!
Go to GVFD website
Fire Chief:
Brian Whalen
Office: 207-371-2772 – For Routine, non-urgent, business
Cell: 207-491-9026 – Only for Urgent Business
Assistant Fire Chief
Justin LoDolce
Cell: 207-837-2111 – Only for Urgent Business
How To Contact Us
Sagadahoc County Communications Center for non-emergencies – 207-443-9711
Station: 207-371-2772
Or by mail: PO Box 199, Georgetown, ME
What To Do In Case Of An Emergency
1. Dial 911
2. Provide the dispatcher the exact location of the emergency as well as the exact nature of the emergency. Remain on the line with the dispatcher until help arrives.
a. In the event of a medical emergency, turn on any outside lights and secure any animals. Gather a list of all medications taken by the sick or injured person and wait for responders.
b. In the event of a fire, immediately evacuate the location of the fire. Do not return into a burning building. Gather all occupants in a central area and wait for responders.